September 21, 2014

Blogging Hiatus = OVER

So I am hoping that my blogging hiatus is over.  August 17th of last year was the last time that I published a blog entry.  I decided to take a break from the blogging world and making things for my TPT store for a little while but that little while turned into an entire year.  I guess that you could say that moving schools and going from teaching 17 kiddos to teaching almost 50 kiddos (2 classes a day) kicked my butt.  And it did.  But I had a lot of other stuff going on.... 

1. I signed up for my next 2 Ed.S. classes.  Learning about teaching Reading has been amazing... busy but amazing!

2.  On Christmas Eve, my boyfriend popped out of a box in my living room and asked me to marry him.

3.  In April, we closed on our first home.  It's just a little paint, they said... It'll be fun, they said.  Um  we officially hate painting. :)

4. On June 28th, 2014 we got married and I am now officially Mrs. Wood.

So yes, it's not like I've just been sitting around neglecting the blogging world.  I've been busy.  However, I'm baaaaaaaaaack and ready to rock in roll!  To celebrate, I'm giving away something... something good.  You pick!
GO HERE to my TPT store and find something you would want to win.