May 8, 2012

Writing Process

As I've said before, I am involved in a Summer Writing Institute.  We have had two "Pre-Institute" meetings to prepare us for the summer (3 weeks of intense writing training).  The inner-nerd in me is SOOOOO excited!  We have been reading books, reflecting on our writing in our own classroom, and blogging within the group to share what we are learning so far.  The first thing I realized is that I needed some type of management tool for Writer's Workshop.  I wanted to be able to have a system where I could easily see where my student were at in the writing process and who needed a conference with me.  I came up with a poster system where students can move their clip from poster to poster, reflecting where they are!  The file includes green, yellow, blue, and black.  You can get it HERE! or HERE!

I'm super excited about implementing this in my classroom!  Grab it and let me know what you think.

Smiles and Snapshots,

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