June 4, 2012

Disaster Zone and June Currently

Oh dear.  There is nothing in my 2nd grade classroom.  It's absolutely  the cleanest it's been in two years.  One of my 2nd grade teammates refuses to even go near my door because she doesn't want to even peek in to see the nothingness that is in Room 410.  However, at the other end of the school is a completely different story! Boxes and bins and posters and bulletin board trim and everything else that I've collected during my 2nd grade stay is shoved on shelves and cubbies and in cabinets and drawers until the custodial staff does the floors and I can come  in and get some rearranging done.  My OCD isn't appreciating this but  it gives me a little bit more time to figure out where I want everything!

Well Farley over at Oh Boy 4th Grade has posted the June Currently!  June?  Is it seriously June already?  Here's mine...

Make sure you go over to her blog and link up too! :)

Smiles and Snapshots,


  1. Found you on Farley's currently. Welcome to 4th grade. You will love it :)

    Fun in Room 4B

  2. Hi! I found you on Farley's linky! And just when I find another 2nd Grade blog, you are moving to 4th grade!! Oh well, I am sure you will like 4th grade, I taught it years ago, but when they all started being much taller than me, I went to a lower grade!! HaHa! I am now a follower, hope you will check out my blog!


    2nd Grade Pig Pen

  3. I just found your blog through Farley's link up and I'm so glad I did! I taught 2nd grade this past year (or current year for me... I still have 2 days), but I'm moving to 3rd next year!

    I'm with you on organization. My "to do" organization list is a mile long. I feel like I can never get organized just right.

    Enjoy your summer!

    Dirty Hands and Lesson Plans
